Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Youngest Mother of the World - Lina Medina

   Let's guess, A female when became a mother 24 years , 20 years 16 years , 12 years or less then ? According to the verious  world records : a female can be a mother above 15 years old. But in the world sometimes happen extra events. Same one Lina Medina a extra and world famous youngest mother who had become a mother only 5 years old. Can you imagine it ? Ii is real facts Lina Medina became a mother only 5 years old.

Lina Medina was born on September 27, 1933 , in the village of Ticrapo , Paru. Lina was born with a rare condition called "precocious puberty." Precocious puberty is basically the early onset of sexual development. Most girl begin experiencing puberty around the age of 11 or 12 but Lina Medina had experienced her frist mens cycle at the age of 8 months. She had fully developed breasts by the of 4 years.

When  Lina was 5 years, she experienced a widening of her pelvis and had advanced bone matruraaaation.Lina's midsection started growing massively. Her mother Victoria had worred and thought that her daughter was possessed by evil spirits. Lina's mother brought Lina to a hospital to be examined , the initial diagnosis was a possible tumor.

But real fact discovered , to the great shock and surprise of all, that she was actully 8 months prenant. When docters did full check up of Lina , they found that, although she was only 5 years old, she had fully mature sexual organs.

On May 14, 1939 Lina gave birth to a healthy 6 pound son. Thus at the age of 5 Years 7 months and 17 days Lina Medina became the youngest mother of the world. 
Lina is a youngest mother in the world but Lina never revealed father of her child. Lina later married Raul Jurado and born a second child in 1972. Lina has refused all public interviews about her unique story. 

   let's guess, A femal when became a mother 24 years , 20 years 16 years , 12 years or less then ? According to the verious world records : a femal can be a mother above 15 years olds.But in the world sometimes happen extra events. Sameone Lina Medina a extra and world famous youngest mother who had become a mother only 5 years old. Can you imagine it ? Ii is realy facts Lina Medina became a mother only 5 years old.

Lina Medina was born on September 27, 1933 , in the village of Ticrapo , Paru. Lina was born with a rare condition called "precocious puberty." Precocious puberty is basically the early onset of sexual development. Most girl begin experiencing puberty around the age of 11 or 12 but Lina Medina had experienced her frist mens cycle at the age of 8 months. She had fully developed breasts by the of 4 years.

When  Lina was 5 years, she experienced a widening of her pelvis and had advanced bone matruration. Lina's midsection started growing massively. Her mother Victoria had worried and thought that her daughter was possessed by evil spirits. Lina's mother brought Lina to a hospital to be examined , the initial diagnosis was a possible tumor.

But real fact discovered , to the great shock and surprise of all, that she was actully 8 months prenant. When docters did full check up of Lina , they found that, although she was only 5 years old, she had fully mature sexual organs.
On May 14, 1939 Lina gave birth to a healthy 6 pound son. Thus at the age of 5 Years 7 months and 17 days Lina Medina became the youngest mother of the world. 
Lina is a youngest mother in the world but Lina never revealed father of her child. Lina later married Raul Jurado and born a second child in 1972. Lina has refused all public interviews about her unique story. 

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