Thursday, December 18, 2014

Jesus Christ Biography

        Jesus Christ known as son of the God. Jesus Christ actual name is Yahowa but number of people are called God Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was boin in 4 B.C. in the city of David Bethlehem. Jusus foundeded Christianity one of the world's most popural religions Jesus Christ was born from virgin Mary. Peoples belived Jesus Christ father is Holy Sprit of God.Before Jesus Christ birth one Angel announced to Peoples "Behold I bring you good news of great joy, for to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord." Jesus Christ was born according to the Angel.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Youngest Mother of the World - Lina Medina

   Let's guess, A female when became a mother 24 years , 20 years 16 years , 12 years or less then ? According to the verious  world records : a female can be a mother above 15 years old. But in the world sometimes happen extra events. Same one Lina Medina a extra and world famous youngest mother who had become a mother only 5 years old. Can you imagine it ? Ii is real facts Lina Medina became a mother only 5 years old.

Lina Medina was born on September 27, 1933 , in the village of Ticrapo , Paru. Lina was born with a rare condition called "precocious puberty." Precocious puberty is basically the early onset of sexual development. Most girl begin experiencing puberty around the age of 11 or 12 but Lina Medina had experienced her frist mens cycle at the age of 8 months. She had fully developed breasts by the of 4 years.

When  Lina was 5 years, she experienced a widening of her pelvis and had advanced bone matruraaaation.Lina's midsection started growing massively. Her mother Victoria had worred and thought that her daughter was possessed by evil spirits. Lina's mother brought Lina to a hospital to be examined , the initial diagnosis was a possible tumor.

But real fact discovered , to the great shock and surprise of all, that she was actully 8 months prenant. When docters did full check up of Lina , they found that, although she was only 5 years old, she had fully mature sexual organs.

On May 14, 1939 Lina gave birth to a healthy 6 pound son. Thus at the age of 5 Years 7 months and 17 days Lina Medina became the youngest mother of the world. 
Lina is a youngest mother in the world but Lina never revealed father of her child. Lina later married Raul Jurado and born a second child in 1972. Lina has refused all public interviews about her unique story. 

   let's guess, A femal when became a mother 24 years , 20 years 16 years , 12 years or less then ? According to the verious world records : a femal can be a mother above 15 years olds.But in the world sometimes happen extra events. Sameone Lina Medina a extra and world famous youngest mother who had become a mother only 5 years old. Can you imagine it ? Ii is realy facts Lina Medina became a mother only 5 years old.

Lina Medina was born on September 27, 1933 , in the village of Ticrapo , Paru. Lina was born with a rare condition called "precocious puberty." Precocious puberty is basically the early onset of sexual development. Most girl begin experiencing puberty around the age of 11 or 12 but Lina Medina had experienced her frist mens cycle at the age of 8 months. She had fully developed breasts by the of 4 years.

When  Lina was 5 years, she experienced a widening of her pelvis and had advanced bone matruration. Lina's midsection started growing massively. Her mother Victoria had worried and thought that her daughter was possessed by evil spirits. Lina's mother brought Lina to a hospital to be examined , the initial diagnosis was a possible tumor.

But real fact discovered , to the great shock and surprise of all, that she was actully 8 months prenant. When docters did full check up of Lina , they found that, although she was only 5 years old, she had fully mature sexual organs.
On May 14, 1939 Lina gave birth to a healthy 6 pound son. Thus at the age of 5 Years 7 months and 17 days Lina Medina became the youngest mother of the world. 
Lina is a youngest mother in the world but Lina never revealed father of her child. Lina later married Raul Jurado and born a second child in 1972. Lina has refused all public interviews about her unique story. 

World Famous Peoples


        In this world many more peoples are born and die. But some peoples are always     
living never die because they do extra works for the world. According to the various world records around 7 billions peoples are living in this world  among then we know only 5 % peoples. 
             Why we are know only world's 5% peoples ? It's easy because they are famous in the world due to their extra works. Famous peoples are extra and extra peoples are famous , it's means famous peoples do extra works and extra works make peoples famous. So if you want to be a famous people do extra work. Before that we know about world's famous and extra. How did they become world's famous ? Let's find out world's famous and extra peoples.
         List of some world famous and extra peoples are given below : 

1. Lord Buddha ( World famous Lord Buddha was born in Nepal before 2600 years ago)
2. Mother Teresa ( 1910 -1997 World  famous social and charity           activist ) 
3. Nelson Mandela ( 1918 World famous politician and social               leader ) 
4. Mahatma Gandhi ( 1869 -1948 World famous leader and                    peace angel ) 
5. Charles Darwin  ( 1809 -1882 World famous scientist ) 
6. Albert Einstein  ( 1879 -1955 World most famous scientist ) 
7. Plato ( 423 – 348 BC World famous philosopher ) 
8. Leonardo da Vinci ( 1452 – 1519 World Famous painter,                 scientist and more) 
9. Louis Pasteur ( 1822 – 1895 World famous chemist and                     microbiologist ) 
10. Thomas Edison ( 1847 -1921 World Famous more than 1000 of inventor ) 
11. Indira Gandhi ( 1917 -1984 Indian famous leader )
12. Dalai Lama ( 1938 – World famous spiritual and political  leader ) 
13. Pele  ( 1940 World famous footballer )
14. Helen Keller ( 1880 -1968 World famous and extra blind lady )
15. Jhamak Ghimire  ( 1980 – World famous handicapped author ) 
16. William Shakespeare  ( World famous and extra people )
17. Abraham Lincoln ( World famous and extra people )
18. Benjamin Franklin( World famous and extra people )
19. John F. Kennedy( World famous and extra people )
20. Christopher Columbus( World famous and extra people )
21. Aristotle( World famous and extra people )
22. George W. Bush( World famous and extra people )
23. Nepolean( World famous and extra people )
24. Tom Hans( World famous and extra people )
25. Cleopatra( World famous and extra people )
26. Elvis Presley( World famous and extra people )
27. Ludwig van Beethoven( World famous and extra                    people )
28. George W. Bush( World famous and extra people )
29. Aristotle ( World famous and extra people )
30. Michelangelo ( World famous and extra people )
31. Robin Williams ( World famous and extra people )
32. Alfred Hitchcock ( World famous and extra people )
33. Vincent Van Gogh ( World famous and extra people )
34. Michael Jackson ( World famous and extra people )
35. Madonna ( World famous and extra people )
36. Martin Luther King  ( World famous and extra people )
37. Oprah Winfrey ( World famous and extra people )
38. Mark Twain ( World famous and extra people )
39. Isaac Newton ( World famous and extra people )
40. Mick Jagger ( World famous and extra people )
41. Ronald Reagan ( World famous and extra people )
42. Bill Clinton ( World famous and extra people )
43. Marilyn Monroe ( World famous and extra people )
44. Thomas Jefferson ( World famous and extra people )
45. Jim Carrey ( World famous and extra people )
46. Mozart ( World famous and extra people )
47. Dr. Seuss ( World famous and extra people )
48. Bill Gates ( World famous and extra people )
49. Alexander Graham Bell ( World famous and extra people ) 
50. Tom Cruise ( World famous and extra people ) 
51. Spider Man ( World famous and extra people )
52. John F. Kennedy, Jr. ( World famous and extra people )
53. Harrison Ford ( World famous and extra people )
54. Houdini ( World famous and extra people )
55. Pablo Piccaso  ( World famous and extra people )
56. Margaret Thatcher ( World famous and extra people )
57. John Lennon ( World famous and extra people )
58. Paul McCartney ( World famous and extra people )
59. Mohammad Ali  ( World famous and extra people )
60. Darth Vader ( World famous and extra people )
61. Jack Nicholson ( World famous and extra people )
62. Sean Connery ( World famous and extra people )
63. Beyonce ( World famous and extra people )
64. Michael Jordan ( World famous and extra people )
65. Mr. Rogers  ( World famous and extra people )
66. Eddie Murphy ( World famous and extra people )
67. Denzel Washington ( World famous and extra people )
68. Willey Mays ( World famous and extra people )
69. Lucille Ball ( World famous and extra people )
70. Charlie Brown ( World famous and extra people )
71. Bill Cosby ( World famous and extra people )
72. Bob Dylan ( World famous and extra people )
73. Charles Dickens ( World famous and extra people )
74. David Letterman ( World famous and extra people )
75. Justin Timberlake ( World famous and extra people )
76. Sigmund Freud ( World famous and extra people )
77. Clint Eastwood ( World famous and extra people )
78. Andy Griffith ( World famous and extra people )
79. Julia Roberts ( World famous and extra people )
80. Hillary Clinton ( World famous and extra people )
81. Ray Charles ( World famous and extra people )
82. Meryl Streep ( World famous and extra people )
83. Bob Hope ( World famous and extra people )
84. James Taylor ( World famous and extra people )
85. Walter Cronkite ( World famous and extra people )
86. Stephen Hawking ( World famous and extra people )
87. John Travolta ( World famous and extra people )
88. Tommy Lee ( World famous and extra people )
89. Ernest Hemingway ( World famous and extra people )
90. Kanye West ( World famous and extra people )
91. Mae West ( World famous and extra people )
92. Magic Johnson( World famous and extra people )
93. Norman Rockwell ( World famous and extra people )
94. Edgar Allen Poe ( World famous and extra people )
95. Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis ( World famous and extra people )
96. Paul Newman( World famous and extra people )
97. Billy Crystal ( World famous and extra people )
98. Bob Newhart ( World famous and extra people )
99. Anuradha Koirala  ( World Famous social activist)
100. Charimaya Tamang ( World Famous social activist )

More Other world Famous Peoples :

Elizabeth Taylor
Jesse Jackson
James Dean
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Ashley Simpson
Michael Landon
Steve Martin
Pamela Anderson
Peyton Manning
Vladimir Putin
Susan B. Anthony
Keith Richards
Michael J. Fox
Britney Spears
Neil Diamond
Peter Jennings
Dan Aykroyd
Terry Bradshaw
Yogi Berra
Henry A. Kissinger
Weird Al Yankovic
Michele Pfeiffer
Roy Rogers
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Andy Rooney
Paul Harvey
Jane Austen
Hank Aaron
Carol Burnett
Elizabeth Dole
Whoopi Goldberg
Anna Nicole Smith
Chevy Chase
C. S. Lewis
Frank Lloyd Wright
Carl Sagan
W.C. Fields
Jessica Simpson
C. G. Jung
Danny Glover
Newt Gingrich
George Carlin
Jimmy Connors
Howard Stern
Shirley MacLaine
Henri Mancini
Tom Brokaw
Carrie Fisher
Lewis Carrol
Benny Goodman
Steve Irwin
Miles Davis
Norman Schwarzkopf
Chuck Yeager
Colin L. Powell
Gloria Steinem
Alicia Silverstone
William F. Buckley, Jr.
Bill Hicks
Dan Rather
Ross Perot
John Candy
Julia Child
Arthur Ashe
Phil Donahue
Charles Everett Koop
Marilyn Vos Savant
                If you want to be a world famous people , please read and research about above world famous, extra and success peoples and learn from them.